Our Doberman wood screw is the hardest working and loyal dog in the fight...
Customers said, “Give us a high performance product that starts faster, holds stronger and is made for treated lumber”….. CHECK! Customers said, “It has to be priced better than what we have to choose from now” ….. CHECK! Hey, we...
Builders and DIYers need products NOW! We will ship your order the same day when you place your order before 11am. Our carriers know that they need to “PUT THE PEDAL TO THE METAL” and get that order to your...
Have you ever had a question about a product and hoped the customer service department spoke English? Yeah, us too. Well, you can relax because we speak Midwest English; Southern English, West Coast English, a little East Coast English and...
Dear Florida, We are so proud of you and so pleased to be introducing ourselves to you for the first time next week. Jason and I are gonna hit the road and invite you to Join the Pack. This is going to...
Let me tell you, K9 Fasteners has come a looooong way these past 13 years and we are telling the world that the Fastest- Strongest- Safest fastener in the market is now headed to a dealer near you! Yup, best...